PAMJ supplements

Capacity building in Integrated Management of Transboundary Animal Diseases and Zoonoses (CIMTRADZ)

This special issue summarizes accomplishments of a project “Capacity Building in Integrated Management of Transboundary Animal Diseases and Zoonoses (CIMTRADZ),” whose focus was to develop human and institutional capacity to manage transboundary animal diseases and zoonoses in Eastern and Central Africa - through transformative education, collaborative research and training, and community engagement in order to promote animal health, public health and food security. CIMTRADZ accomplished its objectives through: 1) Partnership Models, 2) Teaching, Curriculum Development, and the cultural Boma (interactive workshop), 3) Original Scientific Research, 4) Surveillance and Outbreak Investigations, and 5) Outreach and Service Learning. CIMTRADZ accomplishments are summarized in papers presented under five themes. Other detailed reports submitted to United States Agency for International Development (USAID) are available at the Mississippi State University website. The concluding paper in this issue by Professors Kaneene, Khaitsa and Kabasa, summarizes key accomplishments and lessons learned from CIMTRADZ, and their implications for Africa and other institutions that may consider implementing similar projects in Africa.

Guest editors: Margaret L Khaitsa, John B Kaneene

Contact: Margaret L Khaitsa (

Supplement booklet (PDF) not available

Table of contents

Gender mainstreaming in Veterinary and Public Health Training: using gender audits to foster capacity building and women’s empowerment in Higher Education (Research)

Florence Wakoko-Studstill, Juliet Kiguli, Khamalwa Wotsuna, Margaret Khaitsa, David John Kabasa, John Balingwamunsi Kaneene, David Tendo, Marvin Apollo Ssemadaali

Pan African Medical Journal. 07 October 2017. 27(4): 24

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A retrospective case series of clinical aspects of the 2007-2008 Ebola virus disease outbreak in Bundibugyo, Western Uganda (Case series)

Rahel Dubiwak Gemmeda, Margaret Loy Khaitsa, Wamala Joseph Francis

Pan African Medical Journal. 30 August 2017. 27(4): 22

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Overall conclusions and lessons learned from CIMTRADZ (Short report)

John Baligwamunsi Kaneene, Margaret Loy Khaitsa

Pan African Medical Journal. 30 August 2017. 27(4): 23


A comparative assessment of the animal and human disease surveillance systems in the East-Central Africa infectious disease hot-spot, 2013: a case study of Uganda (Research)

Michael Muleme, Richard Mafigiri, Joyce Nguna, Doreen Birungi, John David Kabasa, John Baligwamunsi Kaneene

Pan African Medical Journal. 27 August 2017. 27(4): 19


CIMTRADZ: a US-Africa Higher Education Collaborative Model for Sustainable Capacity Development in Trans-Boundary Diseases and Zoonoses Management in Eastern and Central Africa (Special feature)

Margaret Loy Khaitsa, John David Kabasa, John Baligwamunsi Kaneene, Abel Bulamu Ekiri, Florence Wakoko, William Sischo, Samuel Majalija, Gabriel Tumwine, Douglas Freeman, Claire Card, Kiama Gitahi, Charles Mulei, Robinson Mdegela, Berihu Gebrekidan, Maurice Byuka, Gladys Kalema-Zikusoka

Pan African Medical Journal. 27 August 2017. 27(4): 20

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Practical experiences of an NGO implementing One Health initiatives in the Albertine Ecosystem, Hoima, South Western Uganda (Research)

Lawrence Mugisha, Dominic Travis, Katharine Pelican

Pan African Medical Journal. 27 August 2017. 27(4): 21


Seroprevalence of Hepatitis E virus in slaughter pigs and practices of abattoir workers in Kampala, Uganda (Research)

Moses Katagwa, Marvin Apollo Ssemadaali, Gabriel Tumwine, Samuel Majalija, Lawrence Mugisha

Pan African Medical Journal. 26 August 2017. 27(4): 8


Tropical Veterinary Medicine and One Health: a case study of a study-abroad course with One Health principles integrated into Veterinary Medical Training (Case study)

Margaret Khaitsa, Francis Ejobi, Samuel Majalija, Gabriel Tumwine, Celsus Sente, Samuel George Okech, Patrick Vudriko, Lawrence Mugisha, David Owiny Okello, Deborah Amulen, Kokas Ikwap, Sherman Jack, Robert Wills, David Smith, John David Kabasa

Pan African Medical Journal. 26 August 2017. 27(4): 9

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Service-learning and community engagement yields benefits in zoonotic disease control: the case of rabies control in Mbuya II Zone in Kampala, Uganda (Case study)

Joshua Isiko, Samuel George Okech, Berna Nakanwagi, Samuel Majalija, David Okello Owiny, Margaret Khaitsa, John Baligwamunsi Kaneene, Florence Wakoko

Pan African Medical Journal. 26 August 2017. 27(4): 10

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Status on aflatoxin levels in groundnuts in Uganda (Research)

Saphan Muzoora, Margaret Loy Khaitsa, Hartford Bailey, Peter Vuzi

Pan African Medical Journal. 26 August 2017. 27(4): 11

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Engaging Intergovernmental Organizations in the training of students on global animal health, public health and food security (Case study)

Joshua Isiko, Margaret Loy Khaitsa, Abel Ekiri, William Sischo

Pan African Medical Journal. 26 August 2017. 27(4): 12

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The Intersectionality of Sociology and Health: Case Studies of the Effect of Culture on Disease (Case study)

Margaret Loy Khaitsa, John Baligwamunsi Kaneene, Naomi Watasa Lumutenga, May Sengendo

Pan African Medical Journal. 26 August 2017. 27(4): 13

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Africa-United States joint curriculum development of a Master of Science degree in international infectious disease management at Makerere University (Case study)

Samuel Majalija, David Owiny Okello, Margaret Loy Khaitsa, Douglas Freeman, Abel Ekiri, Marvin Ssemadaali, John Baligwamunsi Kaneene, John David Kabasa

Pan African Medical Journal. 26 August 2017. 27(4): 14

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Evaluation of a “Stamp Out Sleeping Sickness” campaign in Uganda to control human African Trypanosomiasis (2004 - 2009) (Research)

Herbert Mukiibi, Charles Waiswa, Peter Waiswa, Enock Matovu, John David Kabasa, Susan Olet, Margaret Loy Khaitsa

Pan African Medical Journal. 26 August 2017. 27(4): 15

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International Cultural Boma: a training and mentorship model for capacity development in one health (Case study)

Samuel George Okech, Samuel Majalija, David Okello Owiny, Francis Ejobi, Gabriel Tumwine, Paul Ssajjakambwe, Stevens Kisaka, Margaret Loy Khaitsa, John Baligwamunsi Kaneene, Florence Wakoko, William Sischo, Douglas Freeman, Baljit Singh, Claire Card, Charles Mulei, Kiama Gitahi, Robinson Mdegela, Berihu Gebrekidan, Maurice Byuka, Gladys Kalema-Zikusoka, Bill Epperson, Robert Wills, Hart Bailey, John David Kabasa

Pan African Medical Journal. 26 August 2017. 27(4): 16

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One Health Outreach and Service Learning Case Studies Conducted under the CIMTRADZ Project (Case study)

Samuel George Okech, Gabriel Tumwine, Samuel Majalija, Patrick Vudriko, Kokas Ikwap, Paul Lochap, Margaret Loy Khaitsa, Florence Wakoko, John David Kabasa

Pan African Medical Journal. 26 August 2017. 27(4): 17

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Model African Union: experiential pedagogical approach to teaching one health in veterinary medicine and public health (Case study)

Florence Wakoko-Studstill, Margaret Loy Khaitsa, Samuel George Okech, John Baligwamunsi Kaneene, Patrick Pithua, Sherry Blackmon, Haiden Rogers, Gertrude Shepelo Peter, Muasya Daniel Wambua, Erick Komba, Richard Samson, Tsegay Tkue Gebrewahde, Richard Habimana, Andrew Kibogo, Viola Kasonev, Augustus Okite, Watson Aijuka, John David Kabasa

Pan African Medical Journal. 26 August 2017. 27(4): 18

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Assessment of human disease surveillance systems in the East-Central Africa infectious disease hotspot: A case study of Uganda (Research)

Michael Muleme, Joyce Nguna, Richard Mafigiri, Joyce Nguna, Doreen Birungi, John Baligwamunsi Kaneene

Pan African Medical Journal. 25 August 2017. 27(4): 5

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One Health approach for conducting an outbreak investigation and research in human and animal populations: a case study of Brucellosis (Research)

John Baligwamunsi Kaneene, Samuel Majalija, Francis Ejobi, James Tumwine

Pan African Medical Journal. 25 August 2017. 27(4): 6

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Higher education resource services, East Africa: a women leadership and management development model (Research)

Margaret Khaitsa, Naomi Watasa Lumutenga, Ruth Muwazi, Florence Wakoko-Studstill, Irene Naigaga, May Sengendo, Consolata Kabonesa, Wanjiku Mukabi Kabira, Joy Mueni Maina Kiiru, Katherine Kanabahita, Frances Nyachwo, Mary Okwakol, Catherine Anita Wandera, Kifle Tsegabirhant, Katunzi-Mollel Kokuberwa, Judith Samwel Kahamba, Angele Musabyimana, Rosine Manishimwe, Marie Bigendako, Renovate Irambona

Pan African Medical Journal. 25 August 2017. 27(4): 7

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RUMPELHA: Regional University-Mediated Partnerships for Enhancing Livelihoods and Health in Africa (Special feature)

John David Kabasa, Charles Mulei, Berihu Gebrekidan, Maurice Byuka, Robinson Mdegela, Margaret Loy Khaitsa, Florence Wakoko, John Baligwamunsi Kaneene

Pan African Medical Journal. 24 August 2017. 27(4): 3

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Joint research and training initiatives between East African and North American Universities (Overview)

John Baligwamunsi Kaneene, Margaret Loy Khaitsa, John David Kabasa, Florence Wakoko, William Sischo, Douglas Freeman, Claire Card, Teresa Bergholz, Sheela Ramamoorthy, Ayele Teshome, Jesca Nakavuma, Samuel Majalija, Stevens Kisaka, Paul Ssajjakambwe, Sam Okech, Micheal Muleme, Sylvia Angubua Baluka, Herbert Kazoora, Patrick Vudriko

Pan African Medical Journal. 24 August 2017. 27(4): 4

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Special issue introduction: Capacity building in Integrated Management of Trans-boundary Animal Diseases and Zoonoses (CIMTRADZ) (Special feature)

Margaret Khaitsa, John Baligwamunsi Kaneene, John David Kabasa

Pan African Medical Journal. 23 August 2017. 27(4): 1

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Spatial and temporal distribution of contagious bovine pleuro-pneumonia in Uganda (1956-2011) (Research)

Marvin Apollo Ssemadaali, Samuel Majalija, Robert Mwebe, Susan Olet, Margaret Loy Khaitsa

Pan African Medical Journal. 23 August 2017. 27(4): 2

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Supplement supported by
Volume 50 (Jan - Apr 2025)
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