PAMJ supplements

A guide for epidemiological investigation of malaria outbreaks and response in varied scenarios

The Uganda Public Health Fellowship Program planned and held a Case Study writing workshop

Guest editors:

  • Ben Masiira
  • Maurice Owiny Omondi

Contact: Ben Masiira

Supplement booklet (PDF) not available

Table of contents

Delayed outbreak detection: a wake-up call to evaluate a surveillance system (Case study)

Lilian Bulage, Daniel Kadobera, Benon Kwesiga, Steven Ndugugwa Kabwama, Alex Riolexus Ario, and Julie Rebecca Harris

Pan African Medical Journal. 09 February 2022. 41(1): 1

[PDF - 590 KB]

You cannot find what you are not looking for! detecting malaria outbreaks in Uganda: a case study (Case study)

Benon Kwesiga, Phoebe Nabunya, Alex Riolexus Ario, Daniel Kadobera, Lilian Bulage, Stephen Ndugwa Kabwama, Julie Roberts Harris

Pan African Medical Journal. 23 March 2022. 41(1): 2

[PDF - 594 KB]

Malaria outbreak in Mbale: it´s the pits! a case study (Case study)

Daniel Kadobera, Gloria Bahizi, Lilian Bulage, Benon Kwesiga, Stephen Ndugwa Kabwama, Alex Riolexus Ario, Julie Roberts Harris

Pan African Medical Journal. 23 March 2022. 41(1): 3

[PDF - 603 KB]

Preparing for the worst: opportunities to prevent trans-boundary disease transmission in Uganda: a case study (Case study)

Alex Riolexus Ario, Daniel Kadobera, Benon Kwesiga, Stephen Ndugwa Kabwama, Lilian Bulage

Pan African Medical Journal. 23 March 2022. 41(1): 4

[PDF - 706 KB]

An outbreak of malaria caused by increase in malaria breeding sites in swamps (Case study)

Steven Ndugwa, Kabwama, Benon Kwesiga, Lilian Bulage, Daniel Kadobera, Alex Riolexus Ario, Julie Rebecca Harris

Pan African Medical Journal. 23 March 2022. 41(1): 5

[PDF - 599 KB]
Supplement supported by
Volume 50 (Jan - Apr 2025)
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